David Harrell’s monthly devotional designed to fortify pastors and church leaders.

The fears of dehumanizing despotism once considered the exaggerated musings of a dystopian imagination are now becoming a reality as progressive leftists make good on their commitment to fundamentally transform America. They have successfully…

Twin Evils
America is now a post-Christian nation. Its culture embraces the beliefs of postmodernism where people no longer believe in absolute or moral truth. As a result, all viewpoints—no matter how absurd and contradictory—must be considered equally valid, unless, of course, they derive their authority from the Bible. Like never before in American history Christians are witnessing biblical values being replaced by laws that impose a godless, immoral, oppressive social agenda on their country…

As In The Days of Noah
“For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:37-39

Faithful Teachers
As a young man, Timothy struggled to maintain personal holiness and moral purity. He was even showing tendencies to be ashamed of the gospel under the violent threats of Nero and others who opposed Christ. Life was hard. Resolve to stand firm in his faith was waning…

The Fruit of Meditation
The importance of meditating upon the Word of God cannot be overestimated, though it is foreign to most Christian leaders by their own admission. To meditate on the law of God is to pensively reflect upon the realities of divine revelation so intently that…

Seeing Christ for Who He Is
Were it not for a merciful God who sought us out and stooped down to give us spiritual sight, we would still be walking in darkness. But Satan’s devices against us will try to obscure these soul-exhilarating truths. He knows the more we behold Christ the more we become…

The Malignancy of Sin
Sin is as deadly as it is deceptive. It is man’s innate inability to conform to the moral character and desires of God. John says, “sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4), which is not only a failure to obey God’s moral law, but also living as if it does not exist. It is a violation of the foremost commandment…

The Christian’s Lamentation
The inevitable miseries of life in this fallen world animate the heart of every believer to both “groan within” and “wait eagerly.” Over time, all the shiny things of life gradually lose their luster and, with every final farewell of friends and loved ones, our longing to leave this world of sin, shame, sorrow, and death increases. More importantly…

Be Strong and Courageous
Our culture has now sunk to the very lowest point of wickedness. Because of America’s rejection of the gospel, in addition to other depraved abominations she celebrates, we have now exceeded the evils of Sodom and Gomorrah and will one day experience a similar judgment. Given the seriousness of the times…

Good Soldiers Willing to Fight
The idea of fighting as a soldier is foreign to most pastors and church leaders. It smacks of pugilism, the opposite of turning the other cheek. The act of aggressively resisting false teachers and exposing damning doctrine is considered unchristian in many…

The Grace of Christ
Bombarded by a constant barrage of erotic media and celebrations of the wicked, our world is being swept away by a tsunami of sin. We now have a government that actively legislates unrighteousness and criminalizes righteousness. Many Christians are confused, hurting, lonely, and afraid…

Warrior Preachers
The “schemes of the devil” require every believer to “to take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm” (Eph. 6:13). Yet sadly, many pastors are unwilling to have a warrior’s mindset and bring truth to bear in the kingdom of darkness. Some will say…

Abiding in the Vine
First, all true believers bear spiritual fruit, unlike false disciples who do not and cannot bear spiritual fruit. As part of this chosen vine, genuine disciples will manifest the fruit in keeping with the source of their life. They will look like Christ! Doing the will of the Father will be the…

The Salt of the Earth
Instead of being “the salt of the earth” that slows down the decay and corruption of society and preserves that which is true and holy, “the salt has become tasteless,” unable to oppose corruption, unable to influence society as a moral antiseptic, unable to provide a taste of godliness in a…

The Glory of God in the Atonement
Here Jesus’ words help us behold the perfections of Christ in the glory of his atonement—a subject worthy of our bold, unfettered proclamation. In the Old Testament, the title “Son of Man” is associated with the glory of Christ (as in Daniel 7), but in the Synoptic gospels it is associated with his suffering. And here the Lord…

Suffering as a Grace Granted Privilege
Every faithful saint in service to Christ must remember that suffering is a grace-granted privilege so that, in our dying, the church may receive life; as Paul expressed to the saints of Colossae while languishing in a Roman prison (Col. 1:24). Notwithstanding the severity of his trials, he never allowed his circumstances to rob him of his joy, because he knew…

The Mystery of Godliness
Every twice-born saint redeemed by the blood of the Lamb should fall on his or her face in breathless adoration in light of the “mystery of godliness”—the great truths of salvation and righteousness through Christ, which produce godliness in those who believe. Apart from the doctrines pertaining to the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to us through His Word and life, none of us would be…

Gospel Perspective
Without fail, American politics betray the evil in the heart of man. The political realm demonstrates its utter inability to produce the Utopia it purports to offer. Politicians strive and strain, but never deliver, and for good reason: they have no fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10). Worse yet, apart from…

Longing to Know and Serve Christ
Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said, “If a person does not love fundamental truths, and desire to know them more, he has no claim to be regarded as a Christian.” Likewise, when it comes to pastoral ministry, any man who has no longing to know more of Christ and give his life in service to him is certainly not fit to be…