Gospel Perspective

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes”

Romans 1:16

Without fail, American politics betray the evil in the heart of man. The political realm demonstrates its utter inability to produce the Utopia it purports to offer. Politicians strive and strain, but never deliver, and for good reason: they have no fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10). Worse yet, apart from regenerating faith in Christ, “the hearts of the sons of men are full of evil and insanity is in their hearts throughout their lives” (Eccl. 9:3). Remember, many of these people aggressively fight for a woman’s right to kill her inconvenient baby. Many actually believe girls can be boys, boys can be girls, and some can be both or neither—gender is merely a social construct designed to oppress women. To expect people this deranged and depraved to resolve the problems their own sin has created is like expecting a pig to clean up after himself. 

As debtors to God’s saving and transforming grace, and as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we must never forget to proclaim the horror of indwelling sin—which makes the good news of the gospel all the more glorious! People need to hear how man’s sin nature has hopelessly enslaved him; how there exists within the soul of the unregenerate a well so polluted that it poisons everything within and without. They must know that for the most part, the politicians they turn to for help in time of need have been given over to “a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper” (Rom. 1:28).  

In light of all this, it would be the height of folly to assume legislation will ever bring about lasting peace and prosperity. It is lunacy to believe the pursuit of “social justice”—which has nothing to do with God’s righteous justice—can do anything but produce more hatred and chaos in the world. The root problem of humanity is not political, psychological, philosophical, educational, societal, or economical; it is spiritual—and spiritual problems can only be solved by the soul-saving and soul-transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We must remember that the same destructive forces of human wickedness at play in our world today were also a present reality in the first century Roman context from which the apostle Paul wrote his inspired epistle to the Christians of that city. Unlike this world’s deceptions and uncertainties, however, the promises of God are true and eternally secure to those who belong to Him. The indwelling Holy Spirit guarantees the fulfillment of all the promises given to His children. Because we have been justified we can have full assurance in God’s provision for us, animating within us a desire to “exult in hope of the glory of God” (Rom. 5:2). Moreover, because of our union with Christ, we have been eternally removed from the realm of His just condemnation (Rom. 8:1), and by the power of the indwelling Spirit we have a changed nature that enables us to “put to death the deeds of the body” (v. 13). Now He leads our lives (v. 14), relieves our fears (v. 15), assures our spirit (v. 16), and guarantees our glory (v. 17).

May we never tire of the grace-granted privilege of preaching the gospel of God, nor ever be ashamed of the only truth that can save, nor ever succumb to the threats of those who oppose it. 



The Mystery of Godliness


Longing to Know and Serve Christ